“Almaz-Antey” prematurely handed over to Belarus the batch of “Tor-М2″anti-aircraft missile systems

“Almaz-Antey” prematurely handed over to Belarus the batch of “Tor-М2″anti-aircraft missile systems

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Anti-aircraft missile system “Tor-М2″.

Source of image: rg.ru


VKO “Almaz-Antey” Concern prematurely handed over to the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Belarus a batch of Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems (ZRK) according to the previously concluded contract.

“At the request of the customer, the cars were assembled a month earlier than the contract period. Belarusian representatives who visited JSC “Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant “Kupol” (part of the VKO “Almaz-Antey” Concern) were satisfied with the high quality of the order”, told to RIA News in Concern.

The first order for the delivery of the “Tor M2K” Anti-aircraft missile systems from the Ministry of Defense of Belarus was received in 2010, and already in 2011 it was completed. Last year, a delegation headed by Lieutenant-General Andrey Ravkov, Minister of Defense of the Union Republic, visited Izhevsk.

“The current batch of the Anti-aircraft missile system for Belarus is the fifth in a row. A delegation led by the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus Sergey Simonenko participated in its acceptance. This is another indication that the Belarusian military highly appreciates the cooperation with the VKO “Almaz-Antey” Concern”, added in the press service.

As the agency notes, the “Tor-M2” – is the latest modification of the “Tor” system, which has been supplied to Russian troops since 2016. Among the most important distinctive features of this modification is a doubled ammunition package, which includes 16 new 9M338K anti-aircraft missiles with an expanded defeat zone, increased shooting accuracy and reduced weight and size parameters. The launch interval for rockets from one combat vehicle is from 2 seconds. Thus, as part of the battery, the “Tor-M2” anti-aircraft missile system can in a short period of time reflect the massive attack of modern means of air attack.


Source: https://vpk.name/news/236382_almazantei_dosrochno_peredal_belorussii_partiyu_zrk_torm2.html