Deputies of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the National Space Center and helicopter assembly and maintenance plant

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Today the members of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Defense and Security of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by the Chairman of the Committee Dariga Nazarbayeva visited the National Space Center and the helicopter assembling and maintenance plant of Eurocopter Kazakhstan Engineering LLP.

The purpose of the visit of the National Space Center is to get acquainted with the Special Design and Technological Bureau of Space Technology (SDTB ST) with pilot production.

SDTB ST is an integral part of the launch complex of the Assembly and Test Complex of Spacecraft (ATCS), which is scheduled for commissioning by the end of 2018. SDTB ST with pilot production is designed for design work, production of components and ground support equipment for satellites.

During the event, deputies of the Senate visited various production sites of SDTB ST, such as precision mechanics, control and measuring machines, mechanical testing labs, 3-D printings, cable products and electronics intended for the manufacture of space items.

In addition, to the people’s representatives were shown an observation gallery of the assembly workshop of the ATCS, and they also got acquainted with the work of the Mission Control Center.

Further, members of the Committee of the Upper House of Parliament visited the helicopter assembling and maintenance plant LLP «Eurocopter Kazakhstan Engineering».

The deputies got acquainted with the production facilities of the Kazakhstan enterprise, inspected its service and aviation training centers.

LLP «Eurocopter Kazakhstan Engineering» is the only company in the CIS and Central Asia that sells helicopters manufactured by AirbusHelicopters, assembles and maintains of EC145, H125, H130 helicopters, as well as trains technicians and pilots in Russian and English.

On the basis of the plant, a service center has been set up, which provides qualified repair and technical support services for helicopters.

The Aviation Training Center trains technicians, avionics and pilots on the EC145 helicopter using advanced technologies, a unique flight simulator and up-to-date technical documentation.

Currently LLP «Eurocopter Kazakhstan Engineering» is aimed at increasing export services for technical maintenance of EU-145 helicopters and training flight crews.