In Astana within the framework of the exhibition “KADEX-2018” the pavilion “Space” begin its work

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Today, in Astana, within the framework of the V International Exhibition of Armament and Military-Technical Property “KADEX- 2018» held by the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan the pavilion “Space” begin its work.

It is worth noting that for the entire history of the exhibition “KADEX” for the first time a separate pavilion dedicated to the achievements of domestic and world space exploration was organized.

Pavilion “Space” is one of the 10 pavilions of the exhibition “KADEX – 2018”, its area is 1322 square meters.

In the pavilion there are expositions of 14 companies from 8 countries of the world. Their advanced developments and latest achievements are presented by such companies as JSC “Information Satellite Systems named after M.F.Reshetnev and “Khrunichev State research and production space center” (Russia), LeicaGeosystems (Switzerland), Antrix Corporation Limited (India), Ariane Group and SEREME (France), THALES ALENIA SPACE (Italy), Great Wall (China), “Research and Production Center of Multifunctional Unmanned Systems” and “NTLab -IS » (Belarus), ImageSat International NV (Israel), the Space Agency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), JSC «Kazakhstan GIS centre» and LLP «Midivisana Engineering» (Kazakhstan).

The achievements of domestic space activities guests and participants of the Exhibition can see in the pavilion of the Aerospace Committee (Kazcosmos), the area of ​​which is 490 square meters.

It should be noted that the author of the pavilion design is the famous modern Kazakh artist Serik Buksikov.

The pavilion itself consists of such basic parts as:

The input group reflects the structure of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazcosmos and its subordinate organizations, a map of space infrastructure, a temporary tape for the development of the domestic space industry and a layout of satellites.

Each subordinate organization of Kazcosmos is represented on a separate stand of cylindrical form, where necessary information and reference information on the activities of a particular space enterprise is reflected. The pavilion also provides separate rooms for negotiations and meetings.

VR room. In the Augmented Reality Zone, a short flight to near space is presented in the Pavilion of Kazcosmos. The near space includes the stratosphere, located at an altitude of 11 to 50 km from the surface.

Also visitors will have the opportunity to see the real descent vehicle of the Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft, in which our third cosmonaut Aidyn Aimbetov landed safely in the Kazakh land on September 12, 2015 after his 10-day space flight to the ISS.

In addition, 2 more models of Earth remote sensing satellites “KazEOSat-1” and “KazEOSat-2” are presented.

On the territory of the whole pavilion, large LED screens are installed, where information on the Kazakhstan space industry is reflected.

Also in the pavilion you can buy commemorative postage stamps dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the creation of Kazcosmos and envelopes with the emblem “KADEX-2018”.

Recall, the V International Exhibition of Armament and Military-Technical Property “KADEX- 2018” is held from 23 to 26 May this year, for a wide range of visitors it will be opened on 25 and 26 May.