In the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the RK discussed the President’s Message

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A hardware meeting chaired by the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry Beibut Atamkulov was held at the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of RK (MDAI of the RK), during which the main directions of the Message of the President of RK dated October 5, 2018 were discussed.

The meeting was attended by the heads of structural divisions and departments of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leadership of subordinate organizations.

Opening the meeting, the Minister noted that the current Message of the Head of State is devoted to topical issues of socio-economic development of the country and is aimed at improving the welfare of every Kazakhstan’s person.

During the meeting, the goals and objectives of the MDAI of the Republic of Kazakhstan, outgoing from this program document were identified. The event discussed the possibility of using the potential of domestic defense enterprises for the production of “simple things” to meet the needs of the population, thereby increasing import substitution, work on the export orientation of Kazakhstan’s space systems, and promoting satellite imagery of the Earth remote sensing system to neighboring markets.

Following the meeting, specific instructions were given on the execution of the tasks voiced in the Message.