On the area of the SEZ “Park of Information Technologies” discussed the prospects for the development of innovative manufacturings for the branches of domestic industry

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In order to implement the President’s instruction on the digitalization of the economy and the introduction of information and communication technologies, announced in the President’s Message to the people of Kazakhstan this year, “New Opportunities for Development in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the Minister of defense and aerospace industry of Kazakhstan, Beibut Atamkulov, with a working trip was in Almaty, where he got acquainted with the work of enterprises engaged in the development and production of electronic component base and radio electronics.

The first object of the visit was LLP “Granit” Special Design-Technological Bureau” (SDTB “Granit”).

SDTB “Granit” specializes in various fields of activity in the field of telecommunications, radio electronics, automated systems, geoinformation systems, cryptographic information protection facilities, and etc. The enterprise has a closed production cycle that allows to develop and to manufacture products from printed circuit boards to ready systems; the company uses the most advanced electronic components.

In addition, SDTB “Granit” jointly with the French company “Thales” in April 2017 opened an enterprise for the production of a three-coordinate radar station of the centimeter wave band “Nur” (GM-403).

Then the delegation of the Ministry of defense and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the enterprises located in the territory of the Special Economic Zone “Park of Innovative Technologies” (SEZ “PIT”), where it got acquainted with the activities of the company for the production of IT and network equipment “EltexAlatau”, as well as with the production of modern means of communication and electronic equipment of the company “Delta IT”.

Currently, a number of enterprises that implement advanced technologies within the digitalization of the domestic economy are working on the territory of SEZ “PIT”.

During the visit to the SEZ “PIT” a meeting was held with representatives of the companies that are residents of this special economic zone, during which the current activity of the Autonomous Cluster Fund “PIT” (“TechGarden”) was on creation of the production of metal powders in Kazakhstan.

AKF “PIT” in partnership with the leading British company “Metalysis” creates the R & D Center for the Study of the Possibilities of Production of 3D Powders and Alloys from Kazakhstani Raw Materials.

3D powders are widely used by the world’s leading companies in the aerospace industry. The presence of a rich mineral resource base ensures Kazakhstan’s high potential for integrating into the chain of global suppliers of nanopowders.

The next point of the trip was “KazInzh Electronics” LLP, a part of JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Engineering”, which is under the trust management of the MDAI of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The company is engaged in the modernization and overhaul of weapons, military and special equipment, the production of modern communication equipment and electronics products, and the assembly of computer equipment.

At the end of the working trip, the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited the Almaty special design bureau “Alatau”. The company specializes in the repair and modernization of military equipment, weapons and ammunition, production and modernization of communications and telecommunications.