Russia creates the center on after sale service of the air defense technique in Iran

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Moscow, 12th of March, 2018 – Ria News. Russia creates in Iran the special service center on after sale maintenance of the air defense technique, the RF President’s assistant on the issues of the military-technical cooperation, Vladimir Kozhin declared.

“Тот же Иран, куда мы поставили свою технику ПВО, сейчас (там – ред.) делаем специальный сервисный центр”, – сказал Кожин в интервью телеканалу “Россия 24”.

“The same Iran, where we supplied our air defense technique, now (there – ed.) we create special service center”, – said Kozhin in interview to the “Россия 24″ channel.

He noted, that the direction of the military technical cooperation on the creation of Russian service centers “will be developing obligatory”.

The Russian Federation in 2016 supplied to Iran defensive anti-aircraft missile system C-300 under the concluded earlier contract.
