The Baltic fleet will replenish with the S-400 complex in 2018

  • Post Category:News

The air defense of the Baltic Fleet (BF) will be replenished in 2018 with another anti-aircraft missile system S-400 «Triumph», said the head of the information support department of the Western military district press service of the Baltic Fleet, Captain of the 1st Rank Roman Martov.

In addition, the renewal of the material part of the Baltic Fleet will be continued. A small missile ship of a new project will join the missile ships, and another air defense system of the S-400 will be added to the air defense compound of the fleet.

Next year, the forces of the fleet will take part in several dozens of combat training events in various directions, where crews of ships of the fleet will have inter-fleet transitions and long-distance marches to the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The BF also awaits replenishment in the part of naval aviation, within the framework of which it is planned to receive new and modernized Su-30SM aircraft and Ka-27M helicopters. A landmark event will be the holding on the Khmelevka training ground in August 2018, an international competition for professional training “Marine landing – 2018”.

