World arms sales rose for the first time in 5 years

The world’s largest military industrial companies reported sales growth in 2016. The total revenue of corporations included in the top-100 was $ 374.8 billion.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in the annual report estimated that the volume of arms sales in 2016 grew by 1.9% compared to 2015 and by 38% compared to 2002. In the meantime, Sales growth was fixed for the first time after a five-year recession.

The total volume of arms sales by US companies increased by 4% and amounted to $ 217.2 billion. The share of goods from the US in the global market grew to 57.9%. The American corporation Lockheed Martin, specializing in aircraft building, aerospace engineering and shipbuilding, was at the top of the rating. Its revenue increased in 2016 by 10.7%. This was facilitated by the acquisition of a helicopter construction company Sikorsky and an increase of the supply of F-35 fighter bombers.

Western European companies increased sales by 0.2%, to $ 91.6 billion. At the same time, sales of French and Italian companies declined, while German and British sales went up. The largest increase – by 43.2% – showed the British company GKN, which produces aerospace components.

The aggregate sales of Russian companies included in the SIPRI rating increased by 3.8% year-on-year to $ 26.6 billion. The share of Russia in the world market is 7.1%.

The leader among Russian gunsmiths is «United Aircraft Corporation», which took the 13th place in the global rating. Thanks to the increase in the volume of exports and supplies of aircraft to the Russian Armed Forces, its sales in the last two years have increased by 15.6%.

According to SIPRI, the top five suppliers provide nearly three-quarters (74%) of the world arms market. The leaders of exports for the past five years remained the United States, Russia and China.

As for new producers from other countries, including South Korea, Brazil, India and Turkey, the Republic of Korea is in the lead. In 2016, it showed an increase of 20.6%, in monetary terms, its sales amounted to $ 8.4 billion.

